Some answers to some frequently asked questions

What are the steps to getting married?

Contact me to check availability on your wedding date. We will meet and chat about your wedding celebration.
A Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form will need to be completed at least one month ahead of your wedding date. (download the form here).
Together we plan and create the perfect ceremony and complete the legal paperwork.
You need 2 witnesses over 18 yrs old on the day, then we are set and you can be married,

Do we need a ceremony rehearsal?

The rehearsal helps sorts out all the finer details. It is best that all wedding ceremony participants are at rehearsal if they can be – the bridal party, readers, the giving away and whoever is cuing the music. Ideally it takes place 1-2 weeks before the wedding.

How long will the ceremony last?

Most civil marriage ceremonies last between 10-15 minutes with an extra 5-7 minutes for the signing of the register and certificates. Your ceremony may be shorter or longer depending on what you would like to include but generally, allowing 30 minutes from start to finish is a good guide.